Sunday, May 31, 2009

Oh, holy crap.

So, it's a good thing I got the lease on the new apartment started early, cause my inadvertently deadbeat brother isn't coming up with any rent at all this month, and we're quite possibly getting chunked out of this place. F--in bummer, man. Everything was looking pretty good, and now.... shit. Of course Dan's horribly pissed and wigged out about his credit rating and about a sudden kamikaze move (damn, that's exactly what I didn't want!), and I'm frantically hitting loan websites trying to get some help with the sitch, which isn't working so far. Family is family, but dammit.... this is so far from okay.

On top of that, I impulsively got all my hair chopped off yesterday by a different (cheaper) lady than usual, and it's... not fabulous. She was the type who thinks her idea of what your hair should be is better than your own, and, well, it wasn't. Oh well, it'll grow, and I can pull it back in the meantime. It's sorta like this, when Hana chops off all her hair in "The English Patient," only chin length and curlier. And more like Prince Valiant. :(

My mommer'n'em get here today, which is nice, I'm just hoping I can get into a halfway decent mood to hang out with them. Argh. Bad words. Argh!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

"A man would prefer to come home to an unmade bed and a happy woman than to a neatly made bed and an angry woman."

I got the house! Well, I only got the 2 bedroom, not the 3, but it's way cheaper and prettier than where we are now. Yay!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

“They say it is better to be poor and happy than rich and miserable, but how about a compromise like moderately rich and just moody?”

Guess what? It's entirely possible that I'm not bipolar! Yes, a depressive paininthebutt, but not necessarily bipo! The blood tests found that a bunch of my hormones are way outta whack, which could explain the awfulness I've been dealing with the last coupla years, on top of the low b12 that made me think I was going blind, so now... I get to see another doctor. Whee!

Of course, it's after five and I haven't yet heard about the new apartment, but my fingers are still crossed. :)

Same time, next year?

It's 5:20 am. I've been awake an hour. Sound familiar? I iz annoyed. I'm also WAY too good at freaking myself out- I just went outside, and when I picked up my Camels, they were beside my copy of "World War Z," so I started thinking, "What if there were zombies out here? What if they were the fast kind?" I smoked that one really quickly.
Speaking of night terrors, I've managed to mostly get over a lingering problem I had with Jason Voorhees, especially since working Horror Nights year before last... I was walking along the lake where the Jaws ride is, behind the cabins, at dusk, looked up and saw SIX Jasons, machetes in hand, walking toward me. I swear, I almost peed on myself. I saw this little Spanish movie called "A Real Friend" recently, and it was amazingly helpful on the Jason front- though the "real friend" was actually modeled on Leatherface, same principle. The movie's from an awesome series called "6 Films To Keep You Awake," and FearNet was showing 'em all in turn til the jerks at Brighthouse yanked the channel and started charging for all the movies it used to carry. Bah. S'okay, they had 'em online for free at the website, so I finished the series anyway. And- tangentially- has anyone else noticed how many awesome Spanish horror movies there are out there? SHHHHHH!!! Don't tell anyone! The last thing we need is another Hollywood no-imagination-'ho-fest of swiping sweeeet scary movies and dumbing 'em down. The J-horror mess has been pitiful enough. /rant. Sorry, I get grouchy when I wake up for no good reason. Wordy, too.

Monday, May 25, 2009

Holidays are a pain

I'm killing time today. Did chauffeur duty, now I'm bored. Could watch a movie, read a book, go to the pool... meh. Don't wanna do anything. Tomorrow I should find out about the new house and about the doc's test results, so today I'm just antsy. Argh.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Why I'm tired of MySpace


My music player there won't play, no matter how many times I re-download frickin' Flash Player, and not that many people are into the site except my work friends (who are still friended on there, it just doesn't show). So poo on MySpace. I can post music and pics here, as well as blabbering more than y'all want to hear. See, I can even make a slideshow:

And I made a playlist here, too. See, over there to the right? So fudge 'em.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The funniest thing...

Here's the song:

And here's the cover:

Whee, real estate!

So I dropped off the new apartment app today, found out that to get the awesome price special, I may have to start the lease in June. So that would be two months with two apartments. What am I, Donald Trump? Actually, it'd be nice to have all that time to move stuff, rather than the usual 36-hour-kamikaze expedition moves usually are- when you got books like I got books, that mess is no joke. Just gotta wait and see if they accept my app, then do the freaky-deaky legal stuff. I'm worried, but I'd be lying if I said I'm not hopeful. :)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Just the cutest thing I've seen all day

Apparently, the little guy asked if the President's hair felt like his does. Aw.... (yes, I'm a dork).

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Chicken counting

I've been kinda obsessing about the new apartment I'm hoping to get approved for. Worried as anything about my awful credit score, but not enough to keep me from cruising Ikea and Target for stuff I want, some of which we really do need. The new house is just so pretty, so much nicer than the one we've been in for two years- and cheaper, for loads more space- not to mention being ten minutes away so I don't have to learn another bloody confusing neighborhood down here. (How you can start on a road that goes east, never leave that road, and end up going west I will NEVER understand). Anyway, I'm waiting to see what happens with the apartment application. Very tenterhook-y feeling.

Trying to distract myself with plans for the next two weekends- I get to do stepmom-type stuff this week, then family stuff next, both at the FEP I work for. Should be fun.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

I went shoppun!

I got me a new swimsuit on a crazy good sale- like over half off. Shouldn't've bought anything this week, but 'oh noes, the sale is ending!!1!!' panic kicked in. And all the others I liked better had sold out in my size, so I had to do it. Sign from God.

Update, a week later: They keep getting the beeeeyoootyful purple suit I really wanted in and out of stock, so I'm gonna return the orange one, try for an exchange, and hope for the best. *crosses fingers*

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Home, where my dogs are sleepin'...

Yeah, I'm an idiot- just found out that line is "where my thought's escaping." Been singing it wrong since I was, oh, 5 or so. Heh.

I've been doing some preliminary househunting. We don't have to have a place 'til the end of July, but I like knowing where my books are gonna be. Found a really nice place today. It's a possible if they keep the awesome rent specials for a little longer.

Saw my new regular-stuff doc today, too, and she's deffo an improvement. Unfortunately, we agreed on enough blood tests that I'm basically exsanguinated now (EIGHT tubes! EIGHT!!), but maybe, hopefully we can use 'em to narrow down whatever the hell is or isn't wrong with me, and I can stop taking so many drugs.

Don't wanna go to work tomorrow. It's good that the biz has picked up, but that couple of weeks when nobody was booking anything was really chill and nice. Course, I'd run out of books if it were always like that- but I can wish!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Ew, it's all sticky!

Warning: totally random post.

Admittedly, I'm More Girl than I used to be (and trying to accept that
that's okay, and maybe not entirely my fault), but I don't sweat like this unless it's August, or I'm doing major physical labor. Our air conditioner's been M-O-O-N spells dead since last night, and it's 85 degrees in here. The repair guy just finished fixing the thing, so I'm on the floor under the vent waiting for it to have some effect.

My mom and sisters are coming down to the Famous Expensive Place I work for at the end of the month
again- I got the room booked yesterday. It'll be fun, but I hope I can keep up with them. It's not the speed they move at (I'm faster by myself), but they don't believe in stopping for naps, and I totally do.

Speaking of stamina, I'm to see my nice shrink on Tuesday, cause my meds are pissing me off. I've been trying to make a coherent list of concerns, like Responsible Patients are sposed to do, and no matter how I re-write it, I keep coming to the same conclusion: the drugs help, but maybe I'm just an irritable asshole by nature, and we can't fix that (at least, not if I take genetic examples into consideration). It really sucks when your brainstew is off enough so that researching ways to maybe adjust it makes you hyperventilate. Then again, you try reading about GABA receptors and whatnot when you just wanna know what to try next and see how you feel. Sometimes I wish beer were the answer. :)