Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Woke up this morning

It's pretty much a requirement to be big on family when you're Southern. Sometimes I get wistful about being thirty, unmarried, and childless- this isn't what I planned on. But then I spend a day with the posse.... and when I leave I get in my car, and turn on music I don't have to explain the lyrics to, and drive to a quiet house where there are adult shows on tv and adult books (not that kind!) on the shelves, and I think, "You know, there are worse things...." After twelve years on my own, I can safely say that I really kinda like my life as it is. Can a girl be a confirmed bachelor? Hm... probly not 'til at least thirty-five.

I'm miserably tired, so used Eldest's Privelege today. Got my peeps into the AK, and now I get to take a nap and a looong hot shower and chill at the fancypants resort pool until time to take Caroline to MGM tonight. Feel bad for missing out on family time, but after yesterday's discovery that my middle sis is Going Through a Phase, and my ensuing difficulty keeping my temper (I feel like a jerk, but jeez, it was ridiculous!), they may have a better time without me. My ma's right- when you've got a 43-year age range, people are just not gonna want to do all the same stuff. Wish there were time to have done something with just my mom, but there's no way on such a short trip. Maybe next time. Christmas shopping or something. I'm glad to have seen them, glad to have a job with perks they can take advantage of, and amused that I'll be better able to point out plus-and-minuses to the people I book for work. I have a new key question for the big groups I book: whether they're Weekend Warriors, or people who go on vacation to relax. I have a feeling I'm gonna be able to help 'em plan much better options just based on that. Woo-hoo! Actually, I mean that- it's a major point of pride to be as helpful as possible so they'll have a nice trip. Yeah, I'm a dork.

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