Sunday, June 15, 2008

Miami Beach STINKS!

Seriously, that was the smelliest town I've EVER been to. I used the restroom in two different places, and they were just horrifying. Lotta hoochies down there, too, even big girls who should've known better. Dan and I parked by a CSI: Miami van, which was just awesome OGP, even though they're different on the show, and saw "The Hulk" to kill time. It was... loud. I had to leave before the end, because my neck med's side effects include panic attacks, and I was having a little bit of a problem, but I don't think I missed much. I like Edward Norton a lot, but I wish his ego didn't screw up half his movies. He's amazing when he's acting instead of soapboxing, and this felt like the latter.

The Eddie Izzard show was... alright. After a small controversy when it was discovered that the row our bloody expensive tickets were for doesn't actually exist (and BOY were those some rude theatre employees), we ended up with good seats about twenty feet from the stage. Eddie's a handsome devil (he has the bluest eyes I've ever seen- hm... well, top three, anyway), and wore his usual jealousy-inducing shoes. He could've used a bit more eyeliner, but the cerise coat lining matching his shirt was quite nice. His tour is only halfway through, so the show is still a bit wonky. The beginning was good- he did very funny bits about playing "air violin" and dinosaurs in church, but... it mind-smelled like he was in a bad mood. It just wasn't as smart as he usually is... re-using the damn giraffes was one thing, but barf jokes?... from Eddie? Really? Come ON! I'm wondering if "The Riches" has affected his normal accent as well as his inclination to do other ones (he didn't do James Mason when he was God, or Sean Connery with the 'hashashins'!), and he was a bit... dickish about Americans, and not in his usual I'm-taking-the-piss kind of way. Maybe the miamismell (would that be a miasma? A miasmi?) had gotten to him, too. Oh, well- it was lovely to finally get to see him live.

My neck is a bit better, but I'm furious that ibuprofen is working after an eighty-five dollar doctor visit for meds that didn't help. I'm feeling very... resigned right now. Disliking yourself sucks, because after all, there's not much choice- you can't say, "You know, I think I'd rather be Carmen Miranda today." Besides, I'm out of fruit.

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