Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wishin' and hopin'

It's late and getting later, and I am wi-yi-yide awake. Had a boring, quiet weekend. Got the house clean, though, in time for it almost to burn down yesterday- that was exciting- and now I'm up and chipper and don't have a damn thing to do. Well, there's not much on the list of things I feel like doing that I actually CAN do this time of night- hello, why else would I be blogging.

Been doing all these goofy career tests, getting all the same results, none of which do much for me. I have no idea what I want to do with myself, loads of ideas about what I don't want. Not very helpful.

On a happier note, I just finished a pretty good book. Liked her first, DESPISED her second, didn't read her third... and now her fourth turns out to be awright. Four bucks well-spent. Yay!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

where are the axe murderers when you need them?

I'm back on drugs. Didn't even make it thru the appetizer before my neck spazzed. I'm sick of this. I hate feeling yucky when I DID something to get that way, so it's way worse now, when I didn't. I mean, if I'd had a wild night involving three strangers and a monkey and a French horn, I might not be able to admit what injured me, but at least I'd know. This... is just such frustrating CRAP.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Miami Beach STINKS!

Seriously, that was the smelliest town I've EVER been to. I used the restroom in two different places, and they were just horrifying. Lotta hoochies down there, too, even big girls who should've known better. Dan and I parked by a CSI: Miami van, which was just awesome OGP, even though they're different on the show, and saw "The Hulk" to kill time. It was... loud. I had to leave before the end, because my neck med's side effects include panic attacks, and I was having a little bit of a problem, but I don't think I missed much. I like Edward Norton a lot, but I wish his ego didn't screw up half his movies. He's amazing when he's acting instead of soapboxing, and this felt like the latter.

The Eddie Izzard show was... alright. After a small controversy when it was discovered that the row our bloody expensive tickets were for doesn't actually exist (and BOY were those some rude theatre employees), we ended up with good seats about twenty feet from the stage. Eddie's a handsome devil (he has the bluest eyes I've ever seen- hm... well, top three, anyway), and wore his usual jealousy-inducing shoes. He could've used a bit more eyeliner, but the cerise coat lining matching his shirt was quite nice. His tour is only halfway through, so the show is still a bit wonky. The beginning was good- he did very funny bits about playing "air violin" and dinosaurs in church, but... it mind-smelled like he was in a bad mood. It just wasn't as smart as he usually is... re-using the damn giraffes was one thing, but barf jokes?... from Eddie? Really? Come ON! I'm wondering if "The Riches" has affected his normal accent as well as his inclination to do other ones (he didn't do James Mason when he was God, or Sean Connery with the 'hashashins'!), and he was a bit... dickish about Americans, and not in his usual I'm-taking-the-piss kind of way. Maybe the miamismell (would that be a miasma? A miasmi?) had gotten to him, too. Oh, well- it was lovely to finally get to see him live.

My neck is a bit better, but I'm furious that ibuprofen is working after an eighty-five dollar doctor visit for meds that didn't help. I'm feeling very... resigned right now. Disliking yourself sucks, because after all, there's not much choice- you can't say, "You know, I think I'd rather be Carmen Miranda today." Besides, I'm out of fruit.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Remember when Mr Mackey was on drugs...

... and his head swelled up like a balloon? My neck is MESSED UP. It's been getting worse for two days, and now you can see visible lumps in the left side and down into my shoulder, and Dan says it's all bruisey looking up behind my ear, and under my chin's swollen up like mumps, and I'm dizzy, and I keep barfing. Freaky shit- I cannot afford it, but I'm going to the doctor first thing in the morning. I can't figure out how it could be this bad from sleepin' funny last week, but it IS, and it's gotta stop. I got on webmd, like an idiot, and got all freaked out cuz the symptom thingy said I could have meningitis or maybe an aneurysm, and BUMP THAT, I am going to see Eddie in Miami on Saturday if I have to go in a coffin! This is not cool, man...

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

in the rain

What is that thing, the opposite of deja vu- deja reve. Dreaming you're somewhere you've dreamt before. Left work early again today, got home before the storm. Took a massive dose of naproxen and fell asleep watching the rain pour through the tree outside my window. Awoke hearing Morrissey swoon through "Shoplifters of the World." You see, there's this house I live in that I've never been to while awake, and I'm always sad when I wake up after being there. I'm never quite sure if I dreamt that Jenny, or she's dreaming me.

My neck feels much better.

Monday, June 9, 2008


If somebody would bash me on the head with a shovel, I'd be quite pleased. I slept on my neck funny a few nights back, and it's gotten progressively worse to the point of nauseating pain. Got off work six hours early, don't even care that I need the money cause I was so worried I'd get killed in traffic trying to look around without passing out. Drugs didnt work, icyhot hasn't worked, I need a neckectomy NOW.

But ooh, hey, I've lost 16.5 lbs now, so if I die of this at least I'll die smaller!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Woke up this morning

It's pretty much a requirement to be big on family when you're Southern. Sometimes I get wistful about being thirty, unmarried, and childless- this isn't what I planned on. But then I spend a day with the posse.... and when I leave I get in my car, and turn on music I don't have to explain the lyrics to, and drive to a quiet house where there are adult shows on tv and adult books (not that kind!) on the shelves, and I think, "You know, there are worse things...." After twelve years on my own, I can safely say that I really kinda like my life as it is. Can a girl be a confirmed bachelor? Hm... probly not 'til at least thirty-five.

I'm miserably tired, so used Eldest's Privelege today. Got my peeps into the AK, and now I get to take a nap and a looong hot shower and chill at the fancypants resort pool until time to take Caroline to MGM tonight. Feel bad for missing out on family time, but after yesterday's discovery that my middle sis is Going Through a Phase, and my ensuing difficulty keeping my temper (I feel like a jerk, but jeez, it was ridiculous!), they may have a better time without me. My ma's right- when you've got a 43-year age range, people are just not gonna want to do all the same stuff. Wish there were time to have done something with just my mom, but there's no way on such a short trip. Maybe next time. Christmas shopping or something. I'm glad to have seen them, glad to have a job with perks they can take advantage of, and amused that I'll be better able to point out plus-and-minuses to the people I book for work. I have a new key question for the big groups I book: whether they're Weekend Warriors, or people who go on vacation to relax. I have a feeling I'm gonna be able to help 'em plan much better options just based on that. Woo-hoo! Actually, I mean that- it's a major point of pride to be as helpful as possible so they'll have a nice trip. Yeah, I'm a dork.

Monday, June 2, 2008


This is not the best week to have a jacked-up sleep schedule. My peeps got into town today- got 'em checked into a nice room almost directly across the water from Cindy's castle, played at the pool, ate pretty good free food (well, they call it free- it's included with the club level), went to work for two hours, and now I need to crash and can't. The MK is open for 16 hours tomorrow, and I expect to be there for quite a few of 'em, then we've got the AK and MGM on Wednesday, plus a side excursion at some point so Biggest Little Sis can get in the rides at Epcot she missed last time.... I need to get bonked over the head asap, or I'm gonna be passing out on the dark rides. ARGH. Not gonna get to add to yesterday's post anytime soon, either- too busy, and still thinking over the elements of the "Eureka!" in question. NBD, it'll be there when I get to it, right?

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Dating Tyler Durden

This may or may not end up a longer post later, but holy COW did I just have a moment of clarity. All the windows aligned and I am BOGGLED. In a good way. I think.