Monday, October 6, 2008


HHN was okay... I wish I wouldnt've wussed out on the haunted houses after just a couple of 'em. Got to go on "Jaws" in the dark. That was cool.

Feeling really good, really normal and happy, today, which I think is due to Drug A kicking in. El Doctor gave me samples of it, but I won't be taking it longterm cuz that mess costs five hundred bucks a month. Kinda annoying, but Drug B is far cheaper and has a good rep (except for when the side effects kill people), so I left the doc a message I'll need a scrip for that one. It's funny, when you're not well you don't want to do anything, but to get better you have to do the extra running around and waiting. My brother and one of my friends have made fun of me a little for being so happy to find out I'm nuts, but after years of being told to 'get more exercise... and take these anti-d's,' I'm really thrilled someone listened. Let's see if the good mood lasts thru work and into tomorrow-at-the-car-dealership-at-OMG-o'clock. That's a big test.

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