Thursday, May 22, 2008

This old house

I swear, I HATE maintenance men. This is the second day I've waited around the house for them to show up- and yesterday was SO GORGEOUS- and they haven't bothered. The main one even stopped in late yesterday to apologize (and stare at my boobs) and promised they'd be here to re-do the vinyl today, and have they come by? Of course not. Well, tomorrow I'm doing whatever I please, and if it interferes with their hectic schedule of not keeping appointments, that's just too freakin' bad!

(5 minutes later)
I'll be darned, they just got here. I should've posted earlier.

(20 minutes later)
Y'know, the new vinyl's a nicer color... that's kinda cool.

(2 hours later)
DAMN IT, you can totally see a slant in the line of squares alongside the bathtub. And this guy wasn't nearly as neat with his caulk as Borat was. I coulda done better, and I'm not good with caulk AT ALL. (stop that snickering!) But hey, at least I can stop envisioning the floor collapsing while I'm eyebrow deep in soap and singing "American Girl" and plummeting downstairs to land in the neighbors' john, terrifying their sweet little daughter (we recently had the best conversation EVER about why blowing bubbles is awesome) and putting her off Tom Petty forever. It's always nice to scratch a potential catastrophe off the list. So, like, bonus! Next I think I'm'a watch me a zombie movie.

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