Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The entire concept of "credit" is such a friggin' scam. I've been looking at car stuff, figured I might as well bite the bullet and find out exactly how much lower the nonsense with the student loan nazis has driven my credit score, and- get this- because I couldn't confirm the name of the new bastards the SLN's sold my loans to (without, y'know, telling me or anything) from a multiple choice list of ACRONYMS, Experian blocked my access to my own credit report. Of course, if I download, fill out, print, and mail in their looooong form with copies of all my id and my "10-digit PIN code" (WHAT? WHAT PIN code?!!? Does everybody have one and I was out sick that day?), they'll consider mailing me the number in about 3-6 weeks. All this because I don't know the name of a company I never did business with! Please, spare me the lectures about being a responsible consumer- my point is, if you don't start the game knowing the rules (and I didn't) the system is set up to fuck you for life, and it makes me really frustrated and angry and depressed. C'mon, I just want a decent car without having to do anything illegal to get it. Then again, that would probably be less complicated.

Realized I've never given Robert Piguet's Baghari a proper try since the large sample came, so I piled it on. Feeling much better now. Still pissed, but I smell terrific!

(Even later)
The Baghari's turned overwhelming in this hot weather- getting headachy- but it is a good scent overall. Watching "Blacula" in between family phone calls- it's a big weird day for us. Yay for divorces!

(Way, way later)
"Blacula" was GREAT! No, seriously, it's actually a good movie! Y'all should all go rent it right now.

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