Thursday, April 17, 2008

I can't believe I'm anxious to go to work.

Yeah, I'm pretty much bored off my ass. Woke up at insanely-early-o'clock, went and bought Commits- I swear, eventually I'll wean off of 'em, but anything's better than praying to Joe Camel- talked to my mom, and did some housecleaning. Now I'm thinking about attacking my iTunes list, but I am so not feeling like digging through 1500 songs for title-and-artist misspellings and album covers and stuff.

Would it be incredibly lazy and wasteful of me to buy a new shower curtain? I can't get the damn thing clean, and it's kinda grossing me out.

This is ridiculous. Maybe I should start doing recreational drugs- don't they take up a lot of time? *sigh* Maybe I'll go to the usedbookstore.

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