Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Holy crap!

1) The plumber actually showed up! Damn, I KNEW I shoulda washed my hair earlier. No tub for a day or so = not fun.

2) The Eddie Izzard tickets came, and they're just beeyootyful. I may sleep with them.

3) "Children of Men" is a damn good movie, but I feel like a doofus for not recognizing Michael Caine (he's up there with Sean Connery in the Ridiculously Hot Old Guys category).

4) I'm sniffin' Bond No 9's New Haarlem today. Started pretty, faded to popcorn, still smells like it 4 hours in. Dan and the plumber (this is a very... er... forward sort of plumber) both like it. It's better than Broadway Nite, which I said- and Dan agreed- smelled like prossies, but not nearly enough better to be the delicious HG I hope to find. My insanely cheap full bottle of Fendi Theorema should arrive today/tomorrow, and I'm in the bidding for cheap-OH Badgley Mischka, so at least I won't smell BORING for the forseeable future. :)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Kiss Kiss, Bang Bang

So I'm trying to watch this movie, but I think the butt-itch factor is getting so high I'm gonna have to give up on it for a while. Harry (Robert Downey, Jr) just discovered this broad he and Gay (Val Kilmer) found dead (and whom Gay then accidentally shot) earlier in the evening, only now she's in Harry's shower stall, and he accidentally peed on the corpse. Oh, dear. Never mind the prior boobgrabbingmisunderstanding between Harry and his high-school sweetheart. I don't mind the complication, but I'm starting to wish someone would kill Harry's dumb ass so I can stop squirming through his various humiliations. It's not as painful as watching Ben Stiller, but pretty close. Meh. Gonna see if there's anything else on.

Well, "Eastern Promises" is great, and "Constantine" is great fun, so two outta three worked. Not a bad average.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

I AM the Emperor Fabulous!

Guess who gets to see Eddie Izzard in Miami on June 14th? MEMEMEMEMEMEME!! I got sweeeeet seats six rows from the stage, too. Hell, yeah!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

I can't believe I'm anxious to go to work.

Yeah, I'm pretty much bored off my ass. Woke up at insanely-early-o'clock, went and bought Commits- I swear, eventually I'll wean off of 'em, but anything's better than praying to Joe Camel- talked to my mom, and did some housecleaning. Now I'm thinking about attacking my iTunes list, but I am so not feeling like digging through 1500 songs for title-and-artist misspellings and album covers and stuff.

Would it be incredibly lazy and wasteful of me to buy a new shower curtain? I can't get the damn thing clean, and it's kinda grossing me out.

This is ridiculous. Maybe I should start doing recreational drugs- don't they take up a lot of time? *sigh* Maybe I'll go to the usedbookstore.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

53 reasons I need a new car

I've been seriously debating the plusandminuses of eating disorders, but overall I think the best solution to my nonsmoking weight gain is to buy a car. I have to do it soon, before my Camry explodes in the middle of Kirkman causing a multiple car pileup and negating the need to choose between planting and cremation. If I have a car payment, that's less money to spend on cheeseburgers, and a new car would mean I can GO PLACES, like the beach and home to see my family, so I'd be out doing stuff instead of sitting on my booty wanting to do stuff.

I'm still sniffin' samples, trying to pick a new perfume (or two, or eight). Haven't decided fo' sho' yet, but am currently DIGGING my Fendi Theorema sample- of COURSE, as it's discontinued and expensive- which just arrived today. It's freaking delicious, like oranges and cloves and cinnamon. It smells like Christmas. Maybe not right for hot weather down here, but then again, I keep sniffing my wrist and making growly noises, so.... hm. My top choices so far seem to mostly be foody scents, maybe cause I've had loads of.. er.. social success when I smelled vaguely of cookies, but I'm still working out which ones smell like ME, not like some .alt version I wish I were. My faves so far:

Guerlain Iris Ganache (flowers on creme brulee!)
Badgley Mischka (not my absolute fave, but it's getting mad compliments)
Chanel Coco (incense-y, far more sophisticated than I am, but classic and beautiful)
Lolita Lempicka L (not fancy, just pretty. Perfect for summer)
Hermes Hermessences Ambre Narguile (a warm blanket of amber and honey. If it just had a *tiny* dash of sexy, I'd own a bottle already)

Got a couple more on the way, a couple on the to-do list, and a couple to retry- Guerlain Mitsouko smelled amazing once, then like Granny's catbox once, so it gets a third try... but on my day off. Annick Goutal Sables I'm still debating, cause I can't figure out why something that smells just exactly like peppered maple syrup makes me happy every time I sniff it.

So I put in to get off work early today just cause I could, not cause I expected it to happen. With the lame-o closing schedule I have now, it's unusual to get a chance to bail, but today it slowed down and just never picked back up. Fine by me, it had been nothing but travel agents adjusting existing reservations (i.e., no money for me!) and my work buddy had the day off, so I was grumpy and bored.... but now I'm home, and I really don't have a damn thing to do except read, watch tv, clean house, or go to Target. Bo-ring. I should at least be using my pass to go to a famous expensive theme park... but I'm edgy about explosions while driving over there. Yep, it's time to buy a car!