Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bad movies, King Arthur, and The Doctor

I've found a distraction from the insanity of job hunting and still trying to get the house organized- Doctor Who is the shizzle, y'all! I never got into it when i was younger, but a friend-of-a-friend made us watch the entire first season of the new ones, and I am all over that show. Got a LOT of years to catch up on.

Believe it or not, I had no idea they were finally making a film version of "The Dark Is Rising" 'til this past Sunday. Dunno how I missed it, as my fascination with wiki-spidering is less than 4 months old, but I did- hell, I've looked the books- and Susan Cooper- up within the past three months, definitely one rainy day just before I moved, and SAW NO MENTION of this crap adaptation. Dammit! I'm horrified by the alterations, and by the way John Hodge (whose prior work for Danny Boyle I'd enjoyed very much-except, of course, 'The Beach') has butchered the novel, with the bullshit excuse that no-one really remembers the series anyway- WE DO, ASSHOLE- but, whoa. I don't want to go into the fantastically detailed sort of rant I've read elsewhere, the kind I subjected Dan to (for HOURS) on Sunday. I discovered the sequence in the 4th-maybe 5th-grade, and just... oh, I loved them. Had to buy one each month with my allowance money, as the Scholastic paper (remember those?) featured only one per month, and there are 5 total in the series. I loved them. Those books ate my head, absorbed me utterly, in a way few others ever have.

I've spent this week job hunting, in a half assed kind of way- in Tallahassee, you COULD apply online for some things, but it wasn't the best way to get a job- or even an interview. In Orlando, you HAVE to. If you go to job fairs, all the booth-people do is hand you business cards and tell you where to apply online. So strange. I did have a good interview with Macy's (for two different malls!), and I've got one for The Mouse tomorrow, but nothing seriously promising yet. OH MY GOD WE'RE GOING BANKRUPT. Ahem.

Side note: Don't EVER buy Sam's fragranced trash bags. They smell like cheap elderly whores.

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