Thursday, September 6, 2007

Bad movies, King Arthur, and The Doctor

I've found a distraction from the insanity of job hunting and still trying to get the house organized- Doctor Who is the shizzle, y'all! I never got into it when i was younger, but a friend-of-a-friend made us watch the entire first season of the new ones, and I am all over that show. Got a LOT of years to catch up on.

Believe it or not, I had no idea they were finally making a film version of "The Dark Is Rising" 'til this past Sunday. Dunno how I missed it, as my fascination with wiki-spidering is less than 4 months old, but I did- hell, I've looked the books- and Susan Cooper- up within the past three months, definitely one rainy day just before I moved, and SAW NO MENTION of this crap adaptation. Dammit! I'm horrified by the alterations, and by the way John Hodge (whose prior work for Danny Boyle I'd enjoyed very much-except, of course, 'The Beach') has butchered the novel, with the bullshit excuse that no-one really remembers the series anyway- WE DO, ASSHOLE- but, whoa. I don't want to go into the fantastically detailed sort of rant I've read elsewhere, the kind I subjected Dan to (for HOURS) on Sunday. I discovered the sequence in the 4th-maybe 5th-grade, and just... oh, I loved them. Had to buy one each month with my allowance money, as the Scholastic paper (remember those?) featured only one per month, and there are 5 total in the series. I loved them. Those books ate my head, absorbed me utterly, in a way few others ever have.

I've spent this week job hunting, in a half assed kind of way- in Tallahassee, you COULD apply online for some things, but it wasn't the best way to get a job- or even an interview. In Orlando, you HAVE to. If you go to job fairs, all the booth-people do is hand you business cards and tell you where to apply online. So strange. I did have a good interview with Macy's (for two different malls!), and I've got one for The Mouse tomorrow, but nothing seriously promising yet. OH MY GOD WE'RE GOING BANKRUPT. Ahem.

Side note: Don't EVER buy Sam's fragranced trash bags. They smell like cheap elderly whores.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Okay, don't shoot me yet.

Quiet and hollow all day after last night's meltdown. Not to TMI, but I absentmindedly started reading the patient info that came with my pills while in the john a little while ago, and guess what? Severe depression was listed as a possible problem. I just started my 3rd month on Yaz, the bc pills that are marketed as a wonderful, fabulous godsend for women with severe PMS. The smarmy tv ads (with the obnoxious doctor chick at a SATC-type party) obsessively lecture on the dangers of smoking, but do they mention the possibility that your severe PMS might turn into PLAYING WITH RAZORS?!!??! Nope. So I got online, Googled Yaz + depression, and what did I find? A plethora of reviews from women who have not only had major depressive issues, but gained weight and had CHUNKS OF THEIR HAIR FALL OUT. I am so angry about this. As if I haven't had a hard enough time for the past 12 years dealing with my brain's natural f-ed-up-ness, I gotta have these deceptive pharmaceutical bastards marketing a pill as helpful that actually makes things WORSE? And it doesn't help that Dan spent fifty dollars on these things Tuesday, money we NEEDED, and the only reason we've been willing to pay so much is that they were supposed to be HELPING me. So we're out fifty bucks, plus whatever money we spend something else, because I'll NEVER take one of those horrible things again. Grrrr... at least I can quit taking them, and maybe quickly get my life back to maintenance-level pain rather than the horrible wracking misery it's been for two months. Thank God for small (actually, middlin'-large) favors.