Friday, October 1, 2010

She's baa-aaaack!

So, um... hey. It's been a long time, yeah? I'm not sure how a "short break" turned into "over a year" but here I am again. Let's see, did you miss anything? Hm. Well, on top of all last year's medical BS, I got hit with really godawful arthritis mid-October, so Halloween was crap. I did go to Halloween Horror Nights like 8 times (yay for Frequent Fear Passes!). Christmas was dented by Disney's bullshit assign-overtime-then-remove-it-after-you've-already-headed-back-to-Orlando policy, but I got good presents. Nothing interesting the first part of the year until I finally ditched DRC in June for a Very Large Car Rental Company, and that's not too bad at all. Extremely political, but I have a few really cool coworkers. I broke up with Dan September 16th, and that's been difficult, but it was overdue and we both knew it, so... I guess it's okay. Moved into a new place yesterday (boy roomies, woo!) that's WAY closer to work, and.. well, we'll see. I'm doing a little crying, a lot of thinking- four years is a long time to be with someone, and I have to readjust to being solitary- in a lot of ways. So now I'm back, hopefully some of you ghost readers from before will wander back by, too, and I promise I'll try to get back to being funny ASAP.

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