Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Time goes by... so slowly
Oh, jeez, i just quoted frickin' Madonna. Sorry, it's early, and my iPod has a weird affinity for "Hung Up"- every time I restart the shuffle, that song comes up within the first ten, so it gets in my head a lot. Waiting to do a double whammy of doc appointments today. Hoping to actually be told something besides the medical-lingo version of, "Huh. Well, there's something wrong.. come back and give me more money in a month!" No, my nice shrink doesn't do that- as I've said before, he's the best doc I've ever had of any kind. Just nervous about the endocrinologist- she's an unknown quantity, and specialists so far haven't given me much but heartburn over my bank balance. Speaking of which... no, let's not. Don't wanna think about it. :0
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Hey, y'all, read this
Kate Harding, the kickass woman who heads up "Shapely Prose," has an article at Salon today that I'm digging, about choosing not to have kids. I totally identify- I'm 31.5 now, still crazy, still not married, and the idea of having a teenager or two around while I'm dealing with menopause gives me the shivers. It's a good article, references a couple of good stories from Jezebel- go read it!
Kate Harding,
women's rights
One of the Last of the Great Romantics
So... the new McGee blog. I'm trying to figure out the best way to run it- set up synopsisisisises for each book (with spoiler warnings?) and then add criticism and secondary source references? (Crap, I gotta relearn how to do footnotes!) Or should I not post anything until I have all that together? I don't wanna go method 2, cause it could take months to post ANYTHING, especially now that I've found out UF (BOOOOO, Gators!) has an enormous collection of John D. Macdonald info, and I'm gonna want to try to access that at some point- if they'll even let a failed English major from a rival school with no pretensions to scholarship into the archives. I think maybe I'll go method 1, even though I wouldn't want anyone who sees the blog now to think that's all there is/ will be to it. It's already getting hits, in it's half-xml'd-no-content state, and I'd like to get some actual content up soon, before the hits stop. Any opinions? Comment, email, call me- opinions are welcome on this one.
John D MacDonald,
Lyle Lovett,
Travis McGee,
Monday, June 15, 2009
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
"It would be one kind of penance. And there are never enough kinds. Not for him. Not for me. And certainly not enough for you, my friend."

Guess what? I'm starting another page, one about John D MacDonald's Travis McGee novels. They're great reads, cover twenty years of Florida history, include bazillions of broads and bodies and adventures, and I really haven't found any good web pages on them. The Wikipedia entry isn't bad at all, and does have links to all the books, and there's this other, older page I kinda like, and quite a lot of blogs referencing the books, but nothing that's truly comprehensive. So I'm gonna tackle it this summer.
John D MacDonald,
Travis McGee,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
I can see for miles and miles...

I tell you what, this liquid b12 is amazing. I have energy, which is great cause I'm up to my neck in paint, I've lost 5 lbs in two days (they weren't joking about metabolism-increasing!), and I'm hoping it'll forestall any recurrence of the scary blind spot- that mess was painful. No joke, the b12 hits fast, and you end up jiving and jittering and ready to run in circles around your desk 'til it calms down. Not great for work, but waaaay better than apathetic grumpiness. I might even try quitting smoking again. Maybe- let's not get too ambitious too fast. :)
optic neuritis,
The Who,
Monday, June 8, 2009
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday, June 6, 2009
"When a woman ceases to alter the fashion of her hair, you guess that she has passed the crisis of her experience."
Yep, dyein' my hair again... second time today. It came out ok, but it was exactly the same light brown-with-a-little-green that my eyes are and... no. Just, NO. So I'm workin' on it.
(Later) Oh. Huh. My bro calls it "Leelu Dallas Multipass red," and... it's not quite, but close. Put it this way, my eyebrows are too dark. Whoops!

It's actually closer to this, except darker on the bottom layers, which makes it look like I get outdoors a lot more than I really do:

and 5 minutes of dye on my brows was enough to lighten them the necessary tiny bit, so yay.
(Later) Oh. Huh. My bro calls it "Leelu Dallas Multipass red," and... it's not quite, but close. Put it this way, my eyebrows are too dark. Whoops!

It's actually closer to this, except darker on the bottom layers, which makes it look like I get outdoors a lot more than I really do:

and 5 minutes of dye on my brows was enough to lighten them the necessary tiny bit, so yay.
Mary Austin,
The Fifth Element
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
Hulk Smaaaaaaaaaash!
So there's this Event held in Central Florida the first week in June. It's a huge festival, with all kinds of parties and gatherings held all over the area, including days at the company I work for, which does not actually sponsor the event. I got a call at work today from the TA for a man, due to arrive with his family tomorrow, who was just mortally offended by the idea of my employer being connected to this event in any way. The TA requested a phone number for someone at my workplace who could "comfort" the client. It's been three hours since I took that call, and I'm still absolutely ballistic about it. I've had similar calls before, and I can never get over someone thinking it's okay to announce, "Hey, I'm a bigot!" about this one group when they'd never, ever say it in public if they thought the same thing of other groups, like, oh, brown people or fat people- scratch that, they might say it about us less-thinners if they'd say it about teh gheys. I'm just... utterly enraged. For one thing, my employer happens to be "committed to diversity." Ya know what that means? For the one week a year there are a lot of people in red shirts about, there are 51 other weeks where your concierge, your wait staff, your Costumed Entertainers (hee... are they the opposite of "Watchmen"'s Costumed Adventurers?), are pretty darned likely to have orientations you aren't aware of. A certain number of them may well be LGBT- or even *gasp* NOT, and you might not know... cause it's NOT YOUR BUSINESS, thankyouverymuch.
I wouldn't be quite so angry if I hadn't, during the very tactful convo, suggested to the TA that maybe she could help her client by Googling the schedule of events and telling them which days are planned where so that they could choose alternate destinations. I came home and did that myself, and found the calendar (euFURbia!?! Squee, I wanna go!!), as well as links to some truly bigoted nonsense which I REFUSE to link to, from certain groups demanding their followers boycott this week and asking that this event we don't sponsor or plan be held at night only, with separate, special party tickets. Number one, the festival in question has pretty awesome parties planned at night already, and number two...whatwhatWHAT???!!!!!??? Are we gonna start doing this every day? Do we need new drinking fountains, too? And how, exactly, do you get someone to prove they are or aren't of an orientation? Is there a membership card? Shoot, I'd kiss a girl just BECAUSE if asked to "prove" anything like that. GARRRRRRR, I'm just livid. And ya know what? I've had two weekends in a row at my workplace, and was ready to chill on my days off this week, maybe paint some of the new apartment, but I think, just 'cause of this garbage, I might be turning out at some point this week, too, just to hope to help hear the local news talk about a "record crowd." Bigots. Grr.
I wouldn't be quite so angry if I hadn't, during the very tactful convo, suggested to the TA that maybe she could help her client by Googling the schedule of events and telling them which days are planned where so that they could choose alternate destinations. I came home and did that myself, and found the calendar (euFURbia!?! Squee, I wanna go!!), as well as links to some truly bigoted nonsense which I REFUSE to link to, from certain groups demanding their followers boycott this week and asking that this event we don't sponsor or plan be held at night only, with separate, special party tickets. Number one, the festival in question has pretty awesome parties planned at night already, and number two...whatwhatWHAT???!!!!!??? Are we gonna start doing this every day? Do we need new drinking fountains, too? And how, exactly, do you get someone to prove they are or aren't of an orientation? Is there a membership card? Shoot, I'd kiss a girl just BECAUSE if asked to "prove" anything like that. GARRRRRRR, I'm just livid. And ya know what? I've had two weekends in a row at my workplace, and was ready to chill on my days off this week, maybe paint some of the new apartment, but I think, just 'cause of this garbage, I might be turning out at some point this week, too, just to hope to help hear the local news talk about a "record crowd." Bigots. Grr.
Monday, June 1, 2009
We're okay for the moment, house-wise. Thank God, and Dan. Went to the MK today, then the pool, then for a darn good dinner. I iz tired. And sunburned, but I look better browner, so that's kinda good.
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