Friday, August 8, 2008

Feelin' stabby

Just read a post over on Jezebel about this nonsense at the federal Dept of Health and Human Services re: last month's leaked memo and the follow-up comments. The gist is, the Bushies wanna make it a federally-protected right for medical practitioners to refuse to give contraception if it goes against their moral or religious beliefs. Okay, if you don't want to do your job, you should QUIT, or GET FIRED. That's all there is to it. My cooter = my business, especially now, in self-defence against a gubmint that sees all cycle-havin' women as "potentially pregnant." In my book, the 6 billion+ already-born-and-walkin'-around-on-our-increasingly-resource-drained-planet take precedence over all those "potential" unborn peeps. If we have the ability to control the population- thereby saving resources for unborn future generations- didn't that ability come from God? The single most important religious belief I have is this: you can have any opinion you want, but don't try to force anyone else to agree. They have their own ideas, so butt out. I gotta go- need to re-register to vote RIGHT NOW.

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