Friday, August 29, 2008

Did you come in for a pie, sir?

Groggy. Just napped out HARD for a bit after working on the Mrs Lovett outfit for a solid eight hours. I don't usually brag on myself, especially before a project is finished, but... it's looking awfully good. Just really labor-intensive to get as close a copy as possible.

As for everything else this week, what to say? Well, if you have to ask....

Monday, August 25, 2008

Keep on rowing away on a distant sea...

So I did something I don't do about a week ago. I refused to acknowledge an apology. I'm sorry, but it was crappy- a buddy called it "doin' the Jesse Jackson,"- you know, when a politico apologizes "if I offended anyone" instead of admitting what they did. I feel rude, but I just couldn't deal with replying. I wouldn't know where to begin. Fudge it.

Freaky happenins with my beloved tardis tonight- stopped at the gas station after work, and it wouldn't crank back up for 15 minutes. Battery-opped stuff was comin' on fine, no scary alternator clickies, it just... didn't go. Gonna drive it around for a while this weekend in case the 1.5 mile run to work is too little for the batt to properly recharge, and of course I've got the Roadside boys on speed dial.

On a happier note, it's rolling up on Halloween again! Sure, we're 2 months out, but that's only for you lazy peeps don't sew yer own costumes. I'm gonna be Mrs Lovett- I know, lotsa emu's will probly do it, too, but I've got OCD-level attention to detail and a good figure for corsets in my favor.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Feelin' stabby

Just read a post over on Jezebel about this nonsense at the federal Dept of Health and Human Services re: last month's leaked memo and the follow-up comments. The gist is, the Bushies wanna make it a federally-protected right for medical practitioners to refuse to give contraception if it goes against their moral or religious beliefs. Okay, if you don't want to do your job, you should QUIT, or GET FIRED. That's all there is to it. My cooter = my business, especially now, in self-defence against a gubmint that sees all cycle-havin' women as "potentially pregnant." In my book, the 6 billion+ already-born-and-walkin'-around-on-our-increasingly-resource-drained-planet take precedence over all those "potential" unborn peeps. If we have the ability to control the population- thereby saving resources for unborn future generations- didn't that ability come from God? The single most important religious belief I have is this: you can have any opinion you want, but don't try to force anyone else to agree. They have their own ideas, so butt out. I gotta go- need to re-register to vote RIGHT NOW.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I can haz ego boosties?

So today was a "Damn, I look pretty good!" day. My grey britches are finally loosey-goosey, my cheekbones looked sharp, all I needed was some eyeliner and a lipgloss, and... it all worked. No credit to me, it's all in the genes (Happy Birthday, Mommy!).

And then I got propositioned, which is always nice. I freaking LOVE getting asked out properly by a man with sense. Shoot, I don't even have an opinion on the fella in question, but I'm happy to have met a second man in Orlando (in over a YEAR) with some skill in dealing with us hoochies. And, like I said, just being asked is nice, just cuz.